Electrify your van
After dominating those “scary cutting holes in my new van” fears, it is time to move on to electrifying your van. Another intimidating process and ultimately something that most people believe they just don’t have the skills or capability to do, but it is easier than you think. You can do this and we are here to help with wiring diagrams, videos, and blogs about all the things you need to get your rig powered.
Now that you have a pretty solid layout, you should know where your battery bank is going to be. The first time we build our van, we knew a general area. We had to move some of the components, a couple times and a couple of inches, as we were building and realizing it was in the way. You’ll need to know where your battery bank and fuse panel will live so that all your wires can start there and be lead to their places where they will live in the van.
Wiring Diagram
If you are a kook and have no idea what you are doing when it comes to electricity, we have made it easy on you. We have made you this wiring diagram to give you an example of how to hook up just about everything you need in your camper van.
Enter your email below to download the wiring guide!*
*Don’t worry, we won’t spam you. We just want to know how many people this is actually helping so we know to make more infographics like these.
Electrical Blog posts:
Below you will find a collection of in-depth blog posts to help you get started wiring your 12v system so that you don’t have to pay some one to do it for you.
A First Step in any Van Build - Wiring a 12 Volt Power System in your Van Conversion
Here we talk you through how to wire your van. You will find links to all the tools that you need for the project here, as well.
12 Volt Van Conversion Battery Basics and Wiring Diagram
This post will show you how to wire your battery bank in parallel. That way, you can double your AMPs, while keeping 12v system. Here, we demystify how to wire your camper van with 12v.
If you are building out your van, we have a build series on our YouTube Channel. we vlog every step. You can follow along as we take you thru each step, mis-step, and give you some tips we’ve learned along the way that we wish we knew our first time building.
Here we show you how we installed a budget friendly electrical system for off-grid use. If you like the K-I-S-S method, this keeps it simple for sure!
Simple electricity
for the budget minded traveller in our VW- Small Van Build out.
Step By Step guide to wiring 12v system in your camper van
This is a simple 9 step guide to get your power system fully connected and read to power your electronics to be completely off-grid. Follow these steps and there is no way this project will intimidate you ever again. You’ll feel like a pro after you are testing all your switches and turning your fan on and off, without being plugged into the grid. Bye bye grid-kid life, hello vanlife.
Once you have all your electronics wired, it is time to move on to Step 6, Insulation!